Published Papers

The project team are measuring European and international impacts in the following areas:

Publications in the pedagogies and technologies that REEdI is championing. The volume of publications that the REEdI team have produced based on our innovative and agile REEdI model is a significant contribution to the field of engineering education. These publications include 2 Book Chapters*(internationally renowned publications in the relevant fields), 1 peer reviewed journal paper and 11 Conference papers presented at prestigious international education conferences. Please see below list of REEdI publications:

2022 Published Papers

Using immersive technologies to rethink engineering education in Ireland F. Boyle, J. Moolman, J. Stephens, J. Walsh N/A In M. E. Auer, A. Pester, & D. May (Eds.), Learning with Technologies and Technologies in Learning – Experience, Trends and Challenges in Higher Education. Springer.
Innovating Engineering Education at Greenfield Sites: Transferable Insights from Doblin’s Model of Innovation F. Boyle, R. Hadgraft, E. Lindsay and R. Ulseth N/A IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala, Sweden, 2022, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/FIE56618.2022.9962702.
REEdI Design Thinking for Developing Engineering Curricula Boyle, F., Walsh, J., Riordan, D., Geary, C., Kelly, P., & Broderick, E LINK N/A Education Science, 12.
An enhanced assessment methodology for significant work-based placement Fitzgerald, N., O’Sullivan, K., Morris, I., Walsh, J., Boyle, F., O’Connell, E., & Corkery, G 479 Enhanced Assessment Poster Conference Paper 14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Mallorca, Spain (Edulearn)
Implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the Project Framework for Rethinking Engineering Education in Ireland O’Sullivan, K., Morris, I., Fitzgerald, N., Walsh, J., Boyle, F., O’Connell, E., & Corkery, G 802 SDG Poster Conference Paper 14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Mallorca, Spain (Edulearn)
 Addressing the need for a more gender balanced participation in engineering education C. Cassidy, K. O’Sullivan, N. Fitzgerald, I. Morris, F. Boyle, G. Corkery, J. Walsh 1075 Gender Div Poster Conference Paper 14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Mallorca, Spain (Edulearn)
The Use of Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) for Engineering Education in Higher Education Institutions J. Moolman, G. Corkery, J. Walsh, S. Morrissey-Tucker N/A Conference Paper  EDULEARN22 Proceedings, pp. 5073-5081
Co-design and co-development of an overarching work placement framework with industry Morris, I., O’Sullivan, K., Fitzgerald, N. P., Walsh, J., Boyle, F., O’Connell, E., & Corkery, G Co-design & Co-Development Poster Conference Paper 16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Online (INTED)
What is Rethinking Engineering Education in Ireland? K. O’Sullivan LINK N/A Online Journal Article Engineers Ireland Journal
Aligning 2nd & 3rd Level Education from an Engineering Perspective K. O’Sullivan LINK N/A Online Webinar Engineers Ireland

2023 Published Papers

 Developing Primary School outreach activities as part of the Rethinking Engineering in Ireland Project O’Sullivan, K., Morris, I., Fitzgerald, N., Cassidy, C., Walsh, J., O’Connell, E & Boyle, F 375 Primary School Outreach Poster Conference Paper 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Valencia (Spain), March 2023 (INTED)
Developing a student retention framework for engineering education in Ireland Fitzgerald, N., O’Sullivan, K., Morris, I., Walsh, J., O’Connell, E & Boyle, F 1193 Student Ret Poster Conference Paper 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Valencia (Spain), March 2023 (INTED)
 Integration of a Virtual Reality platform into undergraduate engineering in Ireland Kelly, P., Moolman, J., Geary, C., Walsh, J., & Boyle, F. Poster Conference Paper 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Valencia (Spain), March 2023 (INTED)
Disruptive Models for Engineering Education E. Lindsay, R. Hadgraft, F. Boyle, and R. Ulseth International Handbook of Engineering Education Research Book (Chapter)- Chapter 6 Accepted for publication in the International Handbook of Engineering Education- scheduled for published May 2023

An Evaluation of Requirements for Mentorship Framework Incorporation Feedback from Industry

I. Morris1, K. O’Sullivan1, N. Fitzgerald1,
J. Walsh1, E. O’Connell2, F. Boyle
474 Conference Paper Edulearn 2023

Experiential Learning Using Augmented Reality in Engineering Education

C. Geary, J. Moolman, C. Mbabazi, F. Boyle, J. Walsh Conference Paper Edulearn 2023
Using online learning standards: Systematising online learning and teaching best practice for teaching faculty G. Exton-Grimes Standard Presentations EDEN 2023 Standards Conference Paper EDEN 2023 Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference
Revolutionising Engineering Education – Creating Photorealistic Virtual Human Lecturers Using Artificial Intelligence And Computer Generated Images J. Moolman, F.Boyle, J. Walsh Not confirmed Oral Presentation SEFI 2023
Online Learning Standards:
Steps to introduce a distributed leadership approach to training teachers for online teaching and learning
G. Exton-Grimes, Noctor, M., & Boyle, F. Journal Paper Accepted by AISHE-J
Leading with Influence: Enabling lecturers to be key agents in their own continuing professional development. G. Exton-Grimes, Noctor, M., & Boyle, F. Online Lessons Paper Conference Paper ICERI 2023

2024 Published Papers

Designing a learning experience that helps to understand and promote the development of engineering role identity G. Exton-Grimes, Noctor, M., & Boyle, F Accepted TBC Conference Edulearn 2024
The Sky’s the limit: – using CanSats for Immersive Engineering Education on the REEdI Project Johnson, M; Boyle, F and O’Connell, E. Accepted TBC Conference LACCEI 2024
Exploring Engineering Role Identity Through the ‘Design an Engineer’ Workshop: Insights and Implications M Noctor, F Boyle Withdrawn Conference FIE 2024 (

Empowering Student Engineers for Work Placement Success: A Comprehensive Preparation Framework

N. Fitzgerald, K. O’Sullivan, I. Morris Accepted 14/03/2024. ID 1738 TBC Conference Edulearn 2024

Design an Engineer. A fun-damental learning experience and research activity

M. Noctor, F. Boyle
Conditionally Accepted TBC Conference SEFI 2024

Integration of Tuckman’s theory with the SparkPlus platform to improve team dynamics in undergraduate Engineering Education

C Karamagi, M Nicolas. Conditionally Accepted TBC Conference SEFI 2024
Evaluating the Design an Engineer Workshop (working title) M. Noctor, F. Boyle TBC TBC Journal SEFI Journal of Engineering Education Advancement 
3D LiDAR Data Augmentation for Off-Highway Vehicle Applications M.Edgar, D J. Yeong, K. Panduru, D. Riordan, J. Walsh Accepted TBC Conference ISSC 2024
Integrating Immersive Technology Solutions in Engineering Education at University Level
J. Moolmen, M. Edgar, F. Boyle, J. Walsh Submitted, Awaiting Decision TBC Conference SEFI 2024
Revolutionising Engineering Education: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Immersive Technologies for Enhanced Learning and Innovation J. Moolmen, M. Edgar, F. Boyle, J. Walsh Submitted, Awaiting Decision TBC Conference
A Research Structure for Postgraduate Programme Industrial Collaborations D. Riordan, J.Walsh Accepted TBC Conference Edulearn 2024
A Novel Edge Platform Streamlining Connectivity between Modern Edge Devices and the Cloud. Future Internet 2024, 16, 111.  Carvalho, A.; Riordan, D.; Walsh, J. Accepted, published Journal- Future Internet