Anderson Carvalho
BSc in Computer Science and Master in Information Management (Present Completing) PhD in Distributed Systems
Contact details
Email: Anderson.carvalho@mtu.ie
LinkedIn: See Here
Anderson is actively researching Edge Computing for smart Agri-Tech platforms, addressing problems such as data acquisition and distribution, novel autonomous projects and integration of cutting edge technology with conventional farm machinery. He Involved with a range of technologies including: Edge Computing, Cloud Computing, Distributed Software Development, Industrial Communication Protocols, IoT and Reinforcement learning. Previous experience in the commercial sector includes cloud computing, microservices oriented global-scale platforms, agile and lean methodologies, involved in projects for multi-billion agri-tech companies up to multi-trillion fintech companies in all continents. Anderson holds a BSc in Computer Science, a Master in Information Management and is presently completing a PhD in distributed systems and publishes regularly on these topics.