Ivan Morris
Engineering Fellow / Engineer in Residence
Masters in Engineering
Contact details
Email: Ivan.Morris@mtu.ie
LinkedIn: See Here
REEdI Committees:
REEdI Operations Core Project Team (O-CPT) See More
Ivan Morris is an Engineering fellow working on the REEdI project at Munster Technological University. He is driven by projects and has an appetite for innovation and product development. Ivan has gained vast knowledge and industry experience in Construction, Manufacturing, Automotive and Research and Development. Ivan has a Masters in Engineering by research with the development of Automotive HVAC bench test systems for new energy vehicles. Within the automotive industry, Ivan progressed to program manager leading a team for new business acquisitions for the electric vehicle markets. During this role Ivan co-ordinated teams such as Advanced Engineering, Electronics and Software teams and Applications Engineering. Ivan also worked on other roles such as Quality in Manufacturing and Prototype Supervisor. During his time working on research and development Ivan worked with Advanced Engineering and University of Limerick in new advanced product development. Within this team Ivan program managed and was involved with grant applications and sourcing funding through Enterprise Ireland.