Engagement with Industry Partners
Our ongoing relationships with our industry partners is extremely important to the REEdI project. We regularly take our student engineers on site visits to give them the opportunity to see the wide range of opportunities are available in the world of engineering, we also welcome guest lecturers from our industry partners to speak about specialised areas.
A highlight of 2023 was the inaugral REEdI Engineering Symposium in November, we had the pleasure of welcoming academic leaders, industry experts, REEdI Engineers in Residence, and students.
HCI Mid Term Conference
The REEdI@MTU team were delighted to be part of the Higher Education Authority Collaboration Nation conference in June, held at the Convention Centre Dublin. We had the opportunity to showcase our HCI Pillar 3 project; REEdI- Rethinking Engineering Education in Ireland.
Read more about the event here

REEdI Engineering Symposium
Read more about the event here
HCI Micro-Credentials Learner Fee Subsidy
The Higher Education Authority (HEA) have announced the launch of the Micro-Credentials Learner Fee Subsidy under the Human Capital Initiative Pillar 3,
Micro-credential courses are small, accredited courses designed to meet the demands of learners, enterprise and society. Micro-credential courses award between 1 and 30 ECTS and provide awards at Levels 6-9 on National Framework of Qualifications. REEdI have launched a range of micro-credentials, 6 of which are available under the Learner Fee Subsidy.
Find out more here

CPD Training and Recognised Training Provider for Engineers Ireland
A key part of the REEdI project is to work with employers in the identification of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities for their employees. In the context of REEdI, this is targeted at those employed in the manufacturing sector, specifically in engineering roles. In late 2023 REEdI at MTU joined the Engineers Ireland list of Registered training providers (RTP). This is a list of training providers that deliver high standard learning opportunities relevant to Engineering disciplines. Engineers Ireland endorses training providers with the title of Registered Training Provider (RTP) on the basis that they meet the best-practice criteria laid down in the Engineers Ireland quality assurance procedures.

National Ploughing Championships
REEdI had an amazing experience at this year’s National Ploughing Championships. We were excited to partner with Engineers Ireland to design and commission the ENG-E robot. The team had the privilege of meeting Minister Helen McEntee and speaking Minister Simon Harris during the event.
Read more about the event here
REEdI Engineers in Residence (EiR) industry site visits
The Engineers in Residence, as part of their ongoing commitment to our industry partners have participated in onsite tours of our industry partners. During these sites visits we have had facility tours, we have discussed the work placement for our student engineers and also discussed future collaboration between REEdI and the industry partners.
The REEdI team had a busy 2 days engaging with staff in Johnson & Johnson Vision in Limerick on CPD opportunities available through Munster Technological University